Lynxmotion Robot Control
David Tucker from United States  [1 posts]
12 year
    I have a Lynxmotion 4WD rover controlled by there "BB2" microcontroller .I have set up a simple wireless control system using a "BlueSmirf" bluetooth modem and an improvised format for sending motor commands over it.  I just added a DLink Wifi camera.
     Is this sufficient for using roborealm? I assume I would have to add code to roborealm for my control system.  If not, what is the minimum setup (BB2 + SSC32 + Bluetooth)?
     Thanks in advance.
Anonymous 12 year

Yes, you'd need to send the commands to control the robot over bluetooth. Normally that looks like a serial connection so the Serial module might work.

Typically you have a MCU in the mix which can do the serial/bluetooth to PWM conversion and perhaps other functions like a heartbeat or sensor reading. I'd recommend keeping the MCU in the mix as that really enhances the flexibility of the system.

The second channel, the camera, should be accessible using the HTTP Read module ... assuming you know the right url to grab images from the camera. This is not standard and depends on the camera you are using.


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