AR Drone 2
from Canada  [6 posts]
12 year
Are there plans to include the Parrot AR Drone 2?
Seems like it would be amazing to fly it under control of RoboRealm
from Canada  [6 posts] 12 year
The SDK for the Drone 2 has been released.  I hope you will consider supporting it with Roborealm.

I want to patrol my gravel lane that is ~300 feet long. After considering all the various options like cars, tanks, etc, it seemed easier and cheaper to fly down the lane instead of trying to contend with gravel and bumps. That's where the AR Drone 2 comes in. It can easily fly up an back the lane but so far only with me walking along with it.

There is an active and large community of Drone users and I have been holding off on renewing my Roborealm licence hoping that AR Drone support would happen and I could maximize the time with the new version. Any thoughts on if/when you might include AR Drone 2 support?



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