iphone camera and sensors for robots
Nick Matheos  [17 posts]
12 year
Hello everyone.
I am a lego nxt enthusiast and hobby robot builder and have been experimenting with using the camera and sensors of an old iphone (3gs).  My robot sends iphone data over wifi to my laptop and it sends commands to nxt via bluetooth.

I have found a nice app for the iphone called mobiola webcamera which sends the video from the iphone to the laptop.  It works well with roborealm and you can change the resolution of the image.  This app is not free and there is considerable power drain on phone.

The other app running on the iphone is sensor monitor, it sends sensor data (accelerometer, compass, gps, etc.) via UDP over the network to the laptop.  It can send the data via text, csv-compatible text, or binary and this is were my question comes in.

How do I get roborealm to read UDP text off the network?

Thanks for any help,

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