Help playing Avi
Sean from United States  [6 posts]
12 year
I'm attempting to use footage I have been collecting of traffic, and have RR count the cars.

My files are AVI's, I can play them in VLC and WMP, but when I try to use the media reader within RR, I get error: "Invalid grabber pin! Could not play media type!"

What should I do? I know I have all the correct codecs needed to play the video.

Thank you :)

Anonymous 12 year

Any chance you can post one of those videos in this forum? Perhaps a short one? We can then take a closer look and try to resolve the problem.

I assume you have tried both AVI Reader and Media Reader?

Sean from United States  [6 posts] 12 year
Sure that is not a problem. I have a filefront account I could post it to and supply a link, would that work?

Thank you for the reply.
Anonymous 12 year
Sure, that would definitely work.

Sean from United States  [6 posts] 12 year
Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know I got it working. I tried a bunch of different compressions, converting it straight to a .wmv seems to work the best. .avi with a variety of codecs was giving me a lot of grief.

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