Tiff compression (Group 4)
Jape from United States  [16 posts]
13 year
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Anonymous 13 year

I assume you tried to save as .tiff but it defaults to the LZW format? I also assume that your 3rd party program then does not understand the LZW format?

G4 is a fax encoding format and typically black and white. Is this your expectation?

We can add an option to switch to that format. Are you using the Write_Image module to create this file?

Jape from United States  [16 posts] 13 year
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Anonymous 13 year

Please download 2.44.21 which now includes a selection in the Write Image module for different TIFF compressions. Hopefully one of those will work for you.

Jape from United States  [16 posts] 13 year
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Anonymous 13 year

Opps, we forgot to threshold before saving under those formats.

Note that if you just right click and look under the details tab you can see the format of the file.

Please download 2.44.22 to get this fix.

Note that 128 is used as the threshold value. If you don't like what it is doing you will have to threshold before you save the image in order to change what turns black versus white.

Jape from United States  [16 posts] 13 year
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