Chris from Canada  [6 posts]
12 year

Hi STeven

  I'm not having any luck with the Fiducial recognition module anymore.  RoboRealm still draws a colored box around each fiducial, but doesn't actually identify it.  Did something change?


Anonymous 12 year

Check the threshold values for that module. We noticed that they were a bit high and adjusted the sensitivity for that module. We also noticed that fiducials rotated at around 270 from the original were not being detected very reliably. So. yes, a couple changes were made to that module to improve stability of the detection. Along with that its possible that the threshold values are a bit high.

If you still do not see them grab the latest version as we did verify operation of this last Friday.

Chris from Canada  [6 posts] 12 year

Thanks STeven.  Its working now.  However, it wasn't so much the Threshold as it was the Perspective variable which required adjustment.  Used to be the Fiducial module was indifferent to Perspective and I had left it set to a random value.  Changing it to an appropriate value made all the difference.

    Thanks Again

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