Memory usage increases over time
Jarrett Prosser from Australia  [2 posts]
12 year

I've found that running a program in Roborealm over an extended period - 1-2 weeks - will result in RoboRealm using an increasing amount of memory. It was particularly noticeable as it dropped my framerate to 1 FPS.

At boot, RoboRealm uses about 35MB of RAM. When I checked after running for approximately a week, it was using 1.3GB. Restarting the program cleared the RAM and upped the framerate to the expected 10 FPS or so.

Is this a fault in my program? Is there some kind of garbage collection I should use? Or should I just schedule for the computer to reboot daily?

Anonymous 12 year

Thanks for the robofile. We were able to track this problem down to the Python module which had a memory leak. This should now be solved in 2.44.18. When you download that new update be cautious of the Circle module as it was also upgraded and its values may need to be tweaked a little.

Jarrett Prosser from Australia  [2 posts] 12 year
Cheers, STeven! I'll get the new software version and try it out.

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