I recently downloaded the trial version of RoboRealm and it looks great! It really doesn't look too hard to use - I played around with it a little bit the other night using our laptop's webcam and read the obstacle avoidance tutorial. I just have one problem - how do I pass information from RoboRealm on our laptop to the microcontroller on my robot?
I have a VEXpro microcontroller with a Linix 2.6 OS which connects to a software developement program on our laptop by WiFi. The software developement program has a terminal window, command line prompt, and allows users to write, debug, compile, and download C/C++ code.
What got me interested in trying this was an arlicle in the March/April issuse of ROBOT Magazine about streaming video to your pc from a webcam using the VEXpro. The article mentioned being able to use RoboRealm to do image processing and that the project software could pass information. The pc part is in Java and I don't have any idea how to install or run it. The article really didn't give any instructions for that part.
I'm really not an advanced programmer and learning to use the VEXpro has had a few challenges, but I've actually suprised myself since I had no C or C++ programming experience.
Is this possible or something way over a beginner's head? Any help would really be appreciated.