IF I do decide to buy it ...
12 year
I have a couple questions. Will I have to have a different license on each computer I used it on (like my laptop and my desktop)? In other words, can Roborealm "sense" which computer it's been installed on, and demand I pay for a second copy to install on the new computer, or will it allow me to install it on any or all of the computers I own?
Anonymous 12 year
RoboRealm does 'sense' which machine it is installed on and restricts usage to the number of purchased licenses. You can uninstall and re-install on the other to move a license but it will restrict you to just to the set number of licenses. This is unfortunate but now required due to past problems of rampant illegal copying and usage of the application.

If you would like to make a case for additional copies for your own use you can use the contact form to send us an email directly.


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