Michael Burns from Canada  [2 posts]
13 year

I'm trying to remove the amp glow from a astronomical image. My logic seems sound, but alas my execution is failing.

I first crop the selected corner with the amp glow  (success)
I use a Marker to give this cropped image a name (success)
I use a salt & pepper adjustment (success)
I use a Marker to save this image (success
I use Arithmetic and subtract the 1st Marker from the Second Marker (success most of amp glow is removed from Cropped image)
I want to use Display image with the Source (should be original uncropped image) and the newly amp glowless-cropped image. (failure)

I cannot combine the amp-glowless image with the original Source. I cannot even get the source image to appear even if I Marker it with a name before the process. I have uploaded the original image and the amp-glowless cropped image.

I just want to place the cropped amp-glowless image where it was cropped from the original image

Anonymous 13 year

Can you include the robofile that you are using? Having this would help us complete the task that you are asking about. Otherwise we can provide you with a robofile that does what you ask but that not may be much help.

Michael Burns from Canada  [2 posts] 13 year

I have attached the robo routine that I hoped would work.  Again I am trying to reduce the amp glow that is in the upper left hand corner of the master image (the green glow). I idea was to crop the image so I have isolated most of the glow, I apply the Salt and Pepper at 200 and 1 to produce a smooth amp glow and then do an arithmetic subtraction of the cropped and S&P image. Finally I want to place this final result back on the master image.

Anonymous 13 year

Attached is your robofile that moves the display to the right location.

But also attached is an easier way to accomplish what you are looking for using the Flatten module.


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