Vex Serial Communication
Dave F from United States  [3 posts]
12 year
I've been having trouble getting my Vex Protobot to move using serial communication.  I've followed the instructions posted on the Roborealm website, but still my robot doesn't move when I command it to.  I'm using a PIC Microcontroller V0.5, and I downloaded the online code onto the microcontroller from easyC Version 2.  The COM port is seemingly correct.  The microcontroller is constantly blinking it's yellow light, even when not in motion or receiving signals.  Any help would be appreciated.  
Anonymous 12 year
Just for completeness ... this turns out to be due to a change in the VEX firmware (most likely when the Cortex controller came along) which now causes the Vex module not to work. This new firmware appears to be incompatible with the older Vex systems.


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