about a new module
fred miller from United States  [72 posts]
13 year
Steven have you look at DJSURES EZ-ROBOT to interface with roborealm ,boards look good with wireless web camera ,voice recognition and lot more
Anonymous 13 year

Yes, we have. Its a nice board and we're currently in contact with ez-robot and waiting for one of the board to integrate with RoboRealm. They've had really good response for the board and thus are working to get additional stock. Hopefully we'll get one sometime soon.

Thanks for the note!
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 13 year
thats great Steven
getting the board in this saterday and got the camera in a few days ago,2.4 mhz with usb receiver dongle works great with roborealm and shows a fairly good video,frame rate about normal too

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