AVM Navigator with arduino
13 year
Hi, I would like to use path planning in AVM navigator to start I saw the video and was not sure what microcontroller it uses

I am currently using arduino romeo 328, what program i need to upload in arduino? . Is there any sample program

I have started trying the AVM navigator, but was very lost  I am using netbook webcam. However after localization, I tried to move my netbook but the target does not move accordingly

It would be useful if you could show the starting point of simplified steps rather than what it could do.

EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
>> I am currently using arduino romeo 328, what program i need to upload in arduino? Is there any sample program?

Raj also tries to connect his robot to AVM Navigator with using arduino.
See this topic for more details:

>> I have started trying the AVM navigator, but was very lost  I am using netbook webcam. However after localization, I tried to move my netbook but the target does not move accordingly.

I think that this topic could make it clear:

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