Call external program
Bill from United States  [2 posts]
18 year
I'm trying to call an external program (to control winamp at the moment) called CLAmp.exe. It doesn't use sockets or pipe but just gets its data through the command line. I was wondering if it was posible to call a program that doesn't require a socket (or other) connection from within roborealm.
I looked into doing it with vb (not my strongest language, i'm more of a C guy) and found a SHELL command but I couldn't get it to execute.

I'm sure this wouldn't be too hard to implement (its simpler than other existing features).
I did my best to search for a solution befor posting so please forgive me if there is something simple that I missed.

Thanks in advance,
Execute Program
18 year

nice idea. We agree that it was not too complex to add so we took it a little further by adding in stdin and stdout mechanisms that should allow you to communicate to external programs not designed to work with RoboRealm. Have a look at the documentation at http://www.roborealm.com/help/Execute_Program.php and download RR again to get that new module.

Should be more of what you were looking for.

Bill from United States  [2 posts]
18 year
Thanks a ton!
I'm sure you hear this a lot, but thank to you and everyone who has contributed for everything in this program. I've been using it for months and it seems like every week there is something new.


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