vanishing point with obstacle avoidance tutorial
Raj from Fiji  [9 posts]
12 year
hey there Steven

I was hoping if you can provide the tutorial for vanishing point navigation with obstacle avoidance as you have done for  dice counting etc. Also tutorial for line following with obstacle avoidance since most of the robotics applications this days require to perform as such.

It will be helpful for newbies like me to start from scratch and learn RR in depth involving this type of applications.

Thanks for RR. Hope to see more updates in future.

Raj from FJ  [5 posts] 12 year
thanks ROS for the request. I also need tutorial on this. Would be happy to have some guidance provided on this on Roborealm website. The home page has some new updates, it would be great if more tutorials can be added to accompany road detection, color code identification, vanishing, line detection and off road planning as shown on home page.

great software. I am really impressed with it but need some guidelines as well.


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