problem after windows 7 upgrade?
ray levy  [4 posts]
13 year
i've recently upgraded windows 7 on two computers. now on both of them roborealm won't find the kinect sensor. has anyone had this too?
Anonymous 13 year

Check to see if Win7 did not install the Microsoft Kinect Drivers which will happen with Win7. Once those drivers are installed the libusb drivers will stop working. The Kinect drivers should be visible under the Device Manager and can be uninstalled by right clicking on them.

Anonymous 13 year
I too have a problem getting windows7 to recognize the Kinect.  I  thought the unit was broken and was fixing to parts it out and throw it away. i was brand new, but because I cut the wires it voided the warranty.

I tried ONE last experiment with XPHE and it worked after days of failing.  But, went back to win7 and the same old probelm. Roborealm does not recognize the camera.

the problem i had before was Kinect would work 100% with Win7 but I had XP. Now that I have win7, it only works with xp. Weird.
Anonymous 13 year
I got it working on two xp machines but it doesn't want to run on the win7 machine at all. Pity, because that was the ONE machine I wanted to use.
Anonymous 13 year

We tested it on a win7 64 bit system and the version of Kinect we have works fine ... after deleting the Kinect drivers that Win7 auto installs. Are you sure those are removed from your system? Check Device Manager.

Anonymous 13 year
I finally got it working. But, it was a real *****!

Anonymous 13 year
What was it that finally did the trick?

Anonymous 13 year
I installed the drivers over and over and over and over and over again. Finally, it decided to work. It was the same procedure each time. At first I could only see the motor nothing else. I went ahead and installed them as if the camera was there. Then I had to install the audio and it did not show up. so I installed it as if it were there. And then, suddenly, they all showed up.

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