Tears of joy  '  '' ' ''
18 year
Oh my gawd!  That is exactly the tool I'm looking for.  For those of you just tuning in it works wonderfully now. ( I see someone else in another post was also trying this tool). The displays, for confidence, location, orientation, etc. are so helpful. Not to mention, the docs were updated to reflect the changes and show the variable indexes which takes a lot of the guesswork out writing the vbs scripts.

Plus, if you take a look at the progam Steve provided, it comes with a bit of vbs script that writes to the vbs message window, giving a good example of how to use it as a debugging / info tool.

Thank you, thank you!

18 year
I got so excited about the new shape matching features that I accidentally started a new post... this should be at the end of the "Distance and size measuring help?" topic.


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