Problem with URG-04LX laser scanner module
tubincolo from Italy  [1 posts]
13 year
I bought a URG-04LX laser scanner and I am trying to interface it to RoboRealm module.
I have a problem:
if you connect directly to the RoboRealm the laser-scannner  using the  Hukuyo_URG module, I can't initialize the scanner and I can't see the graphics.
But if I close RoboRealm and open the original program UrgViewer everything works.
Now if I open RoboRealm, after launching UrgViewer, RoboRealm works well.
Which may be the problem?
I tried many times, but if I don't run the program UrgViewer first, RoboRealm Hukuyo_URG does not work.

Best Regards


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