Foscam tilt/pan to coordinates?
Malcolm Deadman from United Kingdom  [2 posts]
13 year

Thanks for the Foscam module which works well with my camera. I would like to be able to direct it to specific coordinates at varying speed . The camera interface from Foscam does have variable speed but only does the - up a bit -left a bit- type pointing. Is there a chance that the RR module can be extended?


Anonymous 13 year

We used the 1.7 version of the CGI specification (namely IPCAM CGI SDK V1.7.pdf) which does not appear to have any absolute position commands nor even speed of movement that we can decifer. What I'd recommend is to ask Foscam if they have CGI commands for absolute positioning for their cameras. I'm not sure what motors/servos they use in the cameras so this may not even be possible (like the Orbit Shpere from Logitech has the same issue). You can simulate absolute positioning by timing the movements but that very quickly goes all wrong ...

If they respond let us know and we'd be happy to include that functionality in the module. You are also welcome to steer them our way if you are not familiar with the above terminology.


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