industrial inspection
tim kidder from United States  [2 posts]
13 year

  I need to inspect a printed cardboard sheet that has round 3/4 inch
magnets glued to the surface. I need to see that the magnets are located in the correct position on the sheet  +- 1/8 inch. Would this be possible using your  software?
Anonymous 13 year
Yes, that seems possible. Do you have an example image(s) of what you would see in your setup? We can then provide a robofile that will help you get started based on this image.

tim kidder from United States  [2 posts] 13 year
Thank you for quick reply.  Attached is a picture of the carton. I need to measure the placement of the round magnet on the cardboard.  From the top edge it measures about 4 inches

Anonymous 13 year

Attached is a script that will identify the magnet (as a circle).

To determine the actual distance from the top of the image can you determine how high the image covers in reality. You mention that the magment is about 4 inches from the top, can we assume the entire height to be 5 inches? If so, scaling the Y position of the circle based on image height will give you actual values. For example:

magnet height = (MAGNET_Y * 5.00) / IMAGE_HEIGHT

Also, the focus on the image is really bad. Is this the setup you will be using? I'd highly recommend getting the focus right as we had to reduce the image size in order to compensate for the focus issue. It is very important to submit the right image otherwise detection will fail.



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