two webcams CJ Wisse from Australia [6 posts] |
13 year
hi its CJ again jeez im just full of questions anyway i was wondering i want to buy another webcam exactly the same as the one i have (logitech c120) so two of those and then open RR two times and get feed from them so one getting feed from cam1 and the other cam2 i was wondering if this is posibble seeing as they are exactly the same or would roborealm not recognize both seeing as they have the same name thanks in advance
p.s hopefully this is my last question
Anonymous |
13 year
Thats a problem we've come across several times. Most of the logitech cameras will work fine with more than one installed with RoboRealm. The issue is not as much with RR but with the driver of the camera. We've found logitech not to mind but with some other brands they will only allow 2 or 4 of the same camera to work on the PC ... regardless of what software you are using.
With 2 logitech of the same make you should be just fine.
Note, however, that if you unplug them from one session to the next there is no guarantee which one will be #1 and which one will be #2. If you leave them plugged in they will always appear in the same order. Good to know if you have a changing hardware setup.
CJ Wisse from Australia [3 posts] |
13 year
Thanks i went ahead and bought the webcam and it works perfectly