Missle Launcher
13 year
Hi Steven,

    I was wondering. I needed a pan/tilt mechanism on a budget. Someone told me to buy a Dream Cheezy missle launcher and use it to control my webcam on my robot.  I can install  the Dream Cheezy control panel on my xp computer and it works beautifully. But, which control modules do I use to control it through robot realm. I also thought of using it as a neck to attach a head to my robot. I would control it the same way. Someone else has already done this on a demo on one of the websites. This person used it as a motion detection and follower.  But, when asked for code, they simply said contact roborealm. So, they were using roborealm. But, they did not say how. I see a dream cheezy DC car, but not a missle control.
     I hope i have asked clearly enough for you to understand what I am asking. Thanks in Advance.
     Keep up the good work!
Anonymous 13 year
OOOPS! you had a tutorial on this Exact item. Sorry, Steven.

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