WiFi ServoContoller
Roger from Switzerland  [2 posts]
13 year
Hello everyone

I'm working in Switzerland on a little robot which is controlled with Endurance ServoController. It will be a WiFiBot.

My experience so far. You have to be carefully with the Powersupply (not sure a Problem of the Supply or the card). Doing wrong start first Endurance card and it will never come up anymore to Wifi but stays in Wired Mode and the LED blink like active on the Wifi!
Tested it with two cards, same result. Plug off, start again.

Correct First Powersupply then the wificard! It works. Attention your WIFI has to run 54Mbps ! The only way. It works with fixed IP's and overDHCP.

MY problem at the moment. I start roborealm and activate my servos and the Programm runs one Step an that's it. It works in both way the ComPort way and the direct IP way (thanks roborealm). But only one time the servomodul (only set with buttons and with Variables.

Reduced the USB Video frames down to 15 frames (54Mbps). My Notebook runs with 3GB RAM, maybe not enough?

Does someone have experience with this Problem? Sorry my bad english..


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