Problem to find the right scanner/ camera Marc [7 posts] |
13 year
I am trying to count the blobs from a image on a conveyor belt. See attachment.
The problem is that het “blob” on the left is a good one and on the right is an empty scale.
What is the best solution to ignore the “empty scale” by camera or scanner? Or see the difference between them both.
I am aiming for 30 fps
I hope someone can help me in the right direction
kind regards
from United States [2 posts] |
13 year
I have done some work a bit similar to this.
The first thing I'd try to do if I were you would be to get better contrast between the objects (sea shells?) from the conveyer belt. The conveyor belt background is pretty similar to the shells so it will be iffy to get a good detection of the boundaries of the shell. Can you make the conveyor black? or maybe put a black or similar color carrier under each? That would make the problem much easier. I would also suggest more light on the area viewed. that big shadow that bottom of left object could cause RR to get fooled.
The roborealm code is pretty straightforward. Simply use edge detection or even RGB filter to differentiate the blobs from background and then use the square area occupied of the bounding rectangle found.
Anonymous |
13 year
Did you post the correct image? Seems not to match your description very well . I'm also not sure I've ever seen a wooden conveyor belt before!
Marc [7 posts] |
13 year
You’re absolutely right. The picture only shows the problem. That I have with the object (empty scale) not the surrounding’s. the elimination of the background is not the problem.
But the real question is how do I detect a “empty scale object” vs. “a good object”.
So I think is more like a camera / scanner issue. To make the difference more visual.
Anonymous |
13 year
What do you mean by 'empty scale object'? What is that?
Yes, given the above colors, as Kerwin noted, it is very hard to extract out objects from the background when they are similar in color. You may have to use some other sensor to help with this or augment your environment in some way to be easier (like adding a visible light laser line or grid over the object at an angle).
At any rate the issue above is a hard one to overcome.
Marc [7 posts] |
13 year
What i mean with 'empty scale object' is that it’s exact the same object but with nothing in it.
So what I need is some kind of scanner /camera to find out. If it is empty or not.
The problem is that i do not have any idea what kind of scanner/camera can use for this project.
And I was hoping someone can point me is a right direction.
Anonymous |
13 year
So you mean you have a physical scaling device that you are using to weigh objects and you need to know if there is object on the scale or not?
I.e. the difference between these two attached images?
Can you change the background that the scale is sitting on?