Hi , i am new to use the roborealm software. I am building a robot using vision system to identify a green ball and approach it. Successfully, i was able to detect the color and find the gravity centroid of the ball.
I am using the Cscript module to interface the output of the object centroid to determine the appropriate movement of the robot.
My robot has two stepper motors with UCN5804 as the controller to control the stepper motor speed. The microcontroller used to as interface between the embedded system and the stepper motor controller. The serial UART is used to transmit and receive data from the embedded system into the microcontroller.
My question is , how can I send the data ( gravity variables) from the embedded system into the microcontroller which in turn signals the stepper controller to either inform the motor to move right , forward or left. How can i assign the appropriate ports from the dsPIC microntroller into the stepper motor controller?
would suggest me any tutorials for using Cscript since I could not get more information from the roborealm documentation.
thank you.