Looking for help with vision
Bruno Tardat from Sweden  [8 posts]
14 year
Hi, i posted that kind of question before but here i go again.

I do exhibit-technique, machinery and interactive stuff.
I´ve tried to use vision as an input and i know it is the right thing instead of pushbuttons and touch-screens.
But, i lack time for learning even Roborealm, i had workshops with it but did not reach what i wanted to achieve or try.
Customers are starting to show interest for vision systems, now that the "anything on a computer is awsome" era is over.
We tried to get Bob Mottram but that man is very busy *S*
So, we look for someone that knows Roborealm and has a hint on robotics to start help us with simple vision systems.
You can be anything from very enthusiastic and to very skilled and experienced but have in mind we do the stuff for a living, deadlines and sutff...
Please contact us!
All the best!
Bruno Tardat at Smoothmachines

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