Roomba Discovery Sensors
Benjamin from United States  [1 posts]
13 year

I'm using this with my Roomba. The Controls work fine, however the sensors are not correctly read (or read at all) from the Roomba Discovery. Any Disco users with different experiences?

Anonymous 13 year
What Roomba model # do you have? We have had some reports of older Roombas not getting their sensor values correctly. If we can get your model # we can acquire that specific version and test.

Naturally, upgrading to a more recent Roomba model does solve the problem too.

from United States  [16 posts] 13 year
Roomba Discovery 4210
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 13 year
Ben or Steven
how do you get yours to work.mine works great with SCI tester and ROOMBA STATUS ,so the cable is good and ALL roomba functions work
i have it on usb port 2 and has the new roomba upgrade with OSMO hacker (firmware),lights go off when in safe,passive or full mode
also baud rate is 57k
also can i get a copy of your robo file
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 13 year
also Steven this might be for you ,besides irobot module,i guess i need variables module and leaf API for roomba to work with LEAF
from United States  [16 posts] 13 year
Mine isn't working... They are doing some testing to fix it though. :)
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 13 year
also Steven do i need to turn on roomba (power button)
irobot create module works no problem
i have few models 4120.4210 all wont work with roborealm module works great with SCI tester or ROOMBA STATUS,SO I THINK I AM SETTING IT UP WRONG OR USING IT WRONG
from United States  [16 posts] 13 year
You can't even drive it around? I can with mine. You have to turn it on, and set 400 series and 5700 baud rate.
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 13 year
i did that doesnt work,do i need to set variables
like to test a few functions without using a very long cord,until i mount the laptop
fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 13 year
trying to try setting variables
lets say right motor variable right motor then in value [right_motor]
or do i do this variable left_motor  then in value [0-255]
witch is correct
Anonymous 13 year

Please check the latest version of RR as Ben has mentioned that things are working better now (offline emails). The 4210 sends some text on power up that was confusing the module and causing the sensor readings to malfunction. Let us know if things have improved for you too.


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