Weld defect detecting
Paul from Mexico  [5 posts]
14 year

I bought RoboRealm software and made many expremients concerning weld detection issue in dampers. Now I'm experimenting with the issue to find the 2 points where the weld ends and calculate the distance between, and answer as "OK" or "NOK" welded part. The RIO background is completelly white, so now is easier to evaluate.

Attached is my robo file, and some images: OK part, NOK part, and one showing the RIO.

Also I'm having problems using the socket base communication, because I have to call/load the program every time that I need to evaluate the part in order to refresh variables. The reason of using socket communicacion is that currently is only one model type, but there will be 28 different models, so I need a way to call the appropiate program for each one. I was thinking in one program only, but using IF statements to check for different ranges of weldings depending on the model type, say: If "A"..., If "B"..., If "C"..., and so on...

I also need to send the results to a PLC through serial or parallel, etc?

Any ideas to improve the current robo file? Any ideas to test different models?

Thank you!

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