RoboRealm setup for MSRDS does not work
David from United States  [7 posts]
14 year
I have followed the instructions in "RoboRealm setup for Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (MRDS)" several times.  I even un-installed and re-installed MSRD to see if I could get the interface and RoboReal.sln to compile.
I am using Windows 7 Enterprise, and Visual Studio 2010 .Net.

MSRD 2008 R3 installs to the per-user "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3", NOT to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 Express" as the instructions seem to indicate.

But I go ahead and unzip to the "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples\Platforms" directory anyway.

Also, I cannot copy the *.dll files to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 Express\bin" but to the "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin" directory.

Also, I cannot "Copy *.xml into the Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 Express/config folder.", but to the "C:\Users\useer_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples\Config".

I have to assume that this is an appropriate modification to the instructions, however, when I run bin\dsshost /p:50000 /t:50001 /m:"Config\Interface.manifest.xml", I get the following errors...

**  Error creating service.  Service type:http://www.roborealm.com/2008/12/interface.html [11/05/2010 11:32:59][http://midlap165.zygo.com:50000/constructor]
*** Service creation failure most common reason:
- Service contract identifier in manifest or Create request does not match Contract.Identifier
- Service references a different version of runtime assemblies
*  Manifest load complete

Then, if I try to compile the RoboRealm.sln, I get 460 compile errors.  Half of the DLLs have broken references, etc.
I assume that all of this has to do with the messed up directory tree.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you,

David from United States  [7 posts] 14 year
Here are some more details about trying to fix compiling the RoboRealm.sln...

I addressed the broken references to the DLL's in each of the modules in the RoboRealm.sln, by having to add them again, from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Robotics\v2.2" for the Ccr and Dss DLLs, and from "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples\Platforms\RoboRealm" for the Interface.Y2008.M12.Proxy.dll and from "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin" for the SimulationCommon, SimulatedDifferentialDrive.2006.M06.proxy, etc and other DLLs

Then, I fixed the links in each of the modules to the "strong name key file" and pointed it to the "mrisamples.snk in the "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples" directory.

Updated the Post-build Event Command Line to:
"C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\DssProxy.exe" /dll:"$(TargetPath)" /proxyprojectpath:"$(ProjectDir)Proxy " /keyfile:"$(AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile)" $(ProxyDelaySign) $(CompactFrameworkProxyGen) /binpath:". " @(ReferencePath->'/referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) "', ' ')

Instead of it pointing to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator...." before in the Post-build Event.

This now has me down to 33 Errors on Compile...

The most common error seems to be similar to below...

Error    10    Unable to copy file "obj\Release\Interface.Y2008.M12.dll" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R2 Express\bin\Interface.Y2008.M12.dll". Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R2 Express\bin' is denied.

Not sure why it is still trying to copy to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R2 Express\bin\"

Sorry for the excruciating details here, but I am a newby in trying to track down these references in VS and migrating code that seems to have been maybe setup for a slightly different operating environment.

Thanks again for any help.

Anonymous 14 year

We finally got it to compile (and run) using VS 2010 Express and the R3 version of robotics studio. Seems that the main issue we had was targeting the 3.5 .net version (as apposed to 4.0). You can try our version at


but be sure that you have uninstalled all previous versions of MSRS otherwise they do trample on each other and versioning errors will occur.

Let us know if you succeed or don't with those files. The fastest way we've found to get all the paths right is to just use a text editor and directly editing all the project files by doing a search and replace on the previous path. That seems much easier than chasing down every configuration location.

David from United States  [7 posts] 14 year

Thanks for the update.  I did the following, with some successes...

Completely un-installed MRDS 2008 R3, it is the only version on my machine, but I did it anyway.
Deleted all Folder/Files in the c:\users\user_name directory associated with MRDS and Roborealm in the the samples\Platform, etc.
Restarted my PC
Re-installed MRDS 2008 R3  (using "complete" install default)
Ran "Build All Samples"
    -  1 Warning 2 Errors
    -  Warning:  SqlClient.csproj  **dssproxy warning, the type System.Data.DataSet used as a data type but cannot be cloned

     -  Error:  CcrSample.csproj   error MSB4019...WebApplication.targets not found
     -  Error:  CtrViewer.csproj  error MSB4019  Silverlight.CSharp.targets not found.

The above is likely not a big deal for now and does not effect Roborealm operation, I would assume.

Ran DSSNode, and all worked as expected.
Extracted your package to c:\users\user_name\MRDS 2008 R3\samples\platforms
Copied the *.dll from \RoboRealm to \MRDS 2008 R3\bin
Copied the *.xml from \RoboRealm to MRDS 2008 R3\samples\config
Ran dsshost using the "interface.manifest.xml" AND IT WORKED!!! Yeah!  I see the Roborealm interface in Explorer and everything.

Now, I shut down the DSS Command Prompt and Explorer.
Then, startup the RoboRealm.sln in VS-C#.

Upon first Build, I get 10 Warnings and  4 errors, or type:

Warning    1    Load of property 'OutputPath' failed.  The entered path is not a valid output path.    Interface

Error    5    Cryptographic failure while signing assembly 'C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples\Platforms\RoboRealm\Interface\obj\Release\Interface.Y2008.M12.dll' -- 'Error reading key file 'c:\Documents and Settings\administrator\microsoft robotics dev studio 2008 r3\samples\mrisamples.snk' -- The system cannot find the path specified. '    

I then address the "Cryptographic failure" by simply go to the "Signing" tab for each module and re-direct the strong name file to the one at "C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples\mrisamples.snk"
I do this for each of the modules, 4.

I try to Build the Solution again, and now get 19 errors, of type:

Unable to copy file "obj\Release\Interface.Y2008.M12.dll" to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\Interface.Y2008.M12.dll". Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin' is denied.    


Error    10    The specified task executable "cmd.exe" could not be run. The working directory "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\" does not exist.

And 1 Error, of type:

Error    29    The command ""C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\DssProxy.exe" /dll:"C:\Users\dgrigg\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\MultipleInstanceSimulation.Y2009.M03.dll" /proxyprojectpath:"C:\Users\dgrigg\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\samples\Platforms\RoboRealm\MultipleInstanceSimulation\Proxy " /keyfile:"mrisamples.snk"   /binpath:". " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) " /referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) "" exited with code 3.    MultipleInstanceSimulation

So, some success but not others.

David from United States  [7 posts] 14 year

I also noticed that in each of the Post-Build events, that the macro was written as...

"C:\Documents and Setting\Administrator\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\DssProxy.exe" /dll:"$(TargetPath)" /proxyprojectpath:"$(ProjectDir)Proxy " /keyfile:"$(AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile)" $(ProxyDelaySign) $(CompactFrameworkProxyGen) /binpath:". " @(ReferencePath->'/referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) "', ' ')

So I changed it to the local user reference, as...

"C:\Users\user_name\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R3\bin\DssProxy.exe" /dll:"$(TargetPath)" /proxyprojectpath:"$(ProjectDir)Proxy " /keyfile:"$(AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile)" $(ProxyDelaySign) $(CompactFrameworkProxyGen) /binpath:". " @(ReferencePath->'/referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) "', ' ')

I did notice that the TargetPath and OutDir variables were now set to the local user_name directory path, which was bugging me before.

Also, the working directory, in the Debug Tab, for each module, was set to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\MRDS 2008 R3", so I updated these to "C:\users\user_name\MRDS 2008 R3", i.e. to the local user path,

But...all of this did not change things much.

David from United States  [7 posts] 14 year

I got it working, I believe.

I had to run "DssProjectMigration /b- samples" in the DSS Command Prompt

Then, things started to work.
Not exactly sure how, or what, this changed to make it work.  Maybe you can explain.
Also, I kept with the above changes that I made also.

David from United States  [7 posts] 14 year

If you could just bare with me a little further.  You werre a big help with the new build.  Most of it seems to be working.
Running the "Interface" and "GetVariableExample" modules works perfect.  It get realtime updates for the COGS values and everything.

My only issue is with the last two modules, "RoboRealmSimulation" and "MultipleInstancesSimulation".

Each of these starts up and invokes the DSS Host and starts to rebuild the contract directory cache.  However, they hit an error...

*** Error creating service.  Service type:http://www.roborealm.com/2008/12/roborealmsimulation.html
*** Service creation failure most common reasons:
   -  Service contract identifier in manifest or Create request does not match Contract.Identifier
   -  Service references a different version of runtime assemblies
   -  Failure to load referenced assemblies (not found in binary folder or unable to load type)
   -  Failure to load referenced assemblies becasue they require DssHost32 (they can not run in 64-bit mode)

Is this possibly because I am running Win7 64-bit OS?
Anonymous 14 year

We haven't tested this on a 64bit machine so I'm guessing at the error. Seems like the issue is that the simulation files have not been built with 64bit in mind. I'm assuming you have done a full rebuilt and thus the files you probably need to be recompiled to 64 bit you probably don't have access to.

Regardless, you can delete those two projects unless you really need to test the simulation environment.

It may be possible to get some advice from MS about this since it would seem that they would be interested in getting the simulation environment to work on a 64 bit machine.


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