Hello Roborelm help forum,
I've built myself a self balancing robot with NXT and I've mounted an IP camera on it. I'm trying to use TWO mailboxes to send two different driving commands via BT. Ultimately, I want to tell my robot two pieces of information.
1. How far away an object is (using the CoG Box Size)
2. Which way to turn using CoG_X
I want to send the value of both of these variables to my robot using two different mailboxes.
To simulate this working, I've built a very basic RoboRelm program and NXC program containing only the BT communication (without a video feed) - but it works unexpectedly:
I can only get data from one mailbox and not the other.
I'm sending the number 8 to mailbox #1 and sending the number 20 to mailbox #2. My program only shows number 8 and receives zero at mailbox #2.
Attached are my NXC and RoboRelm programs.
I've also tried putting some Timers in to make the program wait a while before reading the next mailbox in RoboRelm but they also don't seem to work...
Hoping someone can help me.