change the color of only the black numbers in white
kapemilo from Belgium  [3 posts]
14 year
Please find me a solution to alter the black digits into white color.

This is necessary for the "shape_match" module.

With that i can then identify the digits.

Thx in advance.

Anonymous 14 year
Try the attached robofile. Let me know if you don't understand what the modules are doing.



kapemilo from Belgium  [3 posts] 14 year
thx for the file, but i formulated my question not well.

I want all the digits from the original picture in white numbers with a black background.

I managed to get your result too, but i don't know how to get all the numbers in white color. ( = 069 0511)

Sorry for my wrong question.

Anonymous 14 year
It always helps to be as specific as possible.

See attached robofile.



kapemilo from Belgium  [3 posts] 14 year

your RR file works very nice (after a bit of tweaking on the real feed) !

Thx for the professional support !

Till next time...


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