Using wireless signal strength as variable
John Roberts  [5 posts]
13 year
Hi! I am using a CoroWare CoroBot for a project. I would like to use wireless signal strength as a variable. Is there a way to get this information from the PC? My CoroBots have Windows XP installed and are running the current version of RoboRealm. Thanks!
Anonymous 13 year

Nice idea! If you download v2.27.1 you will now have a WIRELESS_STRENGTH variable which will range from 0 to 100. Interesting thought to use this as a very rough distance estimation from the router ... maybe with 3 we could triangulate! :-)

John Roberts  [5 posts] 13 year

Thanks! Both for liking my idea and for updating RoboRealm to do it! I am including an algorithm that monitors signal strength to allow for an extended ad hoc network (two robots together away from control station, when signal gets weak one stays behind to serve as an extension/relay allowing the other to venture out further). I'll have to play around with distance and triangulation...


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