Activate the "Train" button using VB6 + RR API
jorge holguin from United States  [13 posts]
14 year
How can I activate the "Train" button using VB6 + RR API
in the Shape_Match module?

I found in the documentation the command: pushbutton "Shape_Match", 0, "Train".
But I do not have a clue how to use it in VB6.
Any advice?
Anonymous 14 year

Sorry for the delay on this ... it is now live in version 2.25.2

What we did was add a small checkbox in the Train window (after you press the Train button) that tells RoboRealm to monitor that folder for any changes. If a file is added, deleted or updated the module will retrain on the folder's content. This helps to keep the module in sync with the folder contents.

Can you give it a try and see if this meets your needs?

jorge holguin from United States  [13 posts] 14 year
Well, This means that now my VB6 aplication does not need to have a button to activate the train option in the module.
It is wise and it works!.
Thanks a lot.

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