s.santhosh chaitanya from India  [2 posts]
14 year
I am trying to implement Obstacle Avoidance module of robo realm  in Matlab.I  successfully completed  implementing  floor fill,side fill,highest point modules.But I am stuck with peculiar case where color  of obstacle and color of floor are same.Plz suggest me with any method to fing obstacles in this case.
Thnx in advance.
Anonymous 14 year

can you post the original source image of that obstacle and the similar colored floor?

s.santhosh chaitanya from India  [2 posts] 14 year
Thnx for reply.I am posting  rgb image--1 and grb2 gray---2.As in second image there is significant difference between floor and obstacle.here the  pattern matching fails for me.It falsely perdicts obstacle as floor.so please help me regarding this query.
Also,please explain the '' fill highlights module '' of RR in order to implement it in matlab.

Anonymous 14 year
Looks like the gray scale version will not work with the floor finder. As the intensity is the same on your leg as on the floor you cannot use intensity to distinguish the two. Nor can you use texture as the image is not high enough resolution to determine a texture difference between the floor and your jeans.

Are your tests going to be on that floor? Perhaps you could use the tiles themselves and determine when the line a tile makes is cut to determine if an obstacle exists.

Or perhaps you can use a line laser or stereo cams to do this ... as the floor finder will probably not work in this scenario.


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