Using Roborealm to control multiple NXT bricks
Emilio from United States  [2 posts]
14 year
Hi, I am new to roborealm and I was wondering if you could send data collected by roborealm to two NXT bricks controlling them at the same time. I have a project I'm working on that requires more than 3 motors and I have decided to use 2 NXT bricks to control the 6 motors at the same time using the data collected by the camera. I don't know if you could send one part of the data to one brick and the other part of the data to the other brick. I will be controlling the robot using the NXT-G program with roborealm data sent to the NXT brick. Is it possible for roborealm to communicate with the NXT by USB plug cable that came with the set because my project is stationary and I dont have bluetooth. If it is not possible to send roborealm data to both bricks simultaneously, is it possible to send all the data to one brick and have the other part of the data sent to the second brick by the first brick via bluetooth?
Sorry there are so many questions but my project is due in two months and I need to understand what roborealm can do and cant do.

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