mini maestro problem Riley [7 posts] |
14 year
I am using a pololu mini maestro 12. whenever I launch my roborealm software, it recognizes my camera without a problem, but when I try to control my mini maestro 12 it tells me "missing hardware". It does not recognize or cannot find my servo controller. I am really impressed with this software and hope that it can interface with my mini maestro but at this time I am getting frustrated. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Thank You!!!
Anonymous |
14 year
Can you download
ensure that the Maestro is connected and run that program. It will quickly flash and exit but have generated a c:\roborealm.log file. Can you post the contents of that file or send it to us?
The contents are a list of all connected USB devices (we are only interested in the Pololu devices). What often happens is that the specific id that the vendor uses sometimes changes without us knowing. This list will confirm this or also help to illuminate any other potential issues.
Anonymous |
14 year
Cancel that last request. We found the needed information. Please download v 2.21.0 for the fix and let us know if that works better for you.
Riley [7 posts] |
14 year
Well I was using a trial version of the software, however, I hoped that v 2.21.0 would solve my problem so I purchased the software and installed it. I am still getting the same problem "missing hardware" and it shows that it is not connected to any device. now, with the new version, that message is immediately followed by a message that says "roborealm has encountered an error and must close. and the software shuts down.
Earlier in this thread you posted a link to download and capture USB data. I have ran this and the results are:
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB&VID1106&PID3038&REV0081
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB&VID1033&PID0035&REV0043
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB&VID1106&PID3038&REV0081
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB&VID1033&PID0035&REV0043
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB&VID1106&PID3038&REV0081
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB&VID1106&PID3038&REV0081
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB20&VID1106&PID3104&REV0086
USB Root Hub - USB\ROOT_HUB20&VID1033&PID00E0&REV0004
USB Composite Device - USB\Vid_045e&Pid_075d&Rev_0105
Microsoft LifeCam Cinema - USB\Vid_045e&Pid_075d&Rev_0105&MI_00
Microsoft LifeCam Cinema. - USB\Vid_045e&Pid_075d&Rev_0105&MI_02
USB Composite Device - USB\Vid_046d&Pid_c529&Rev_0713
USB Human Interface Device - USB\Vid_046d&Pid_c529&Rev_0713&MI_00
USB Human Interface Device - USB\Vid_046d&Pid_c529&Rev_0713&MI_01
USB Mass Storage Device - USB\Vid_058f&Pid_6362&Rev_0100
Generic USB Hub - USB\Vid_05e3&Pid_0608&Rev_0901
SG Remote Control Device - USB\Vid_15c2&Pid_ffdc&Rev_0000
USB Composite Device - USB\Vid_1ffb&Pid_008a&Rev_0100
Pololu Mini Maestro 12-Channel USB Servo Controller Command Port - USB\Vid_1ffb&Pid_008a&Rev_0100&MI_00
Pololu Mini Maestro 12-Channel USB Servo Controller TTL Port - USB\Vid_1ffb&Pid_008a&Rev_0100&MI_02
Pololu Mini Maestro 12-Channel USB Servo Controller - USB\Vid_1ffb&Pid_008a&Rev_0100&MI_04
Thank you for your help. This software is very impressive and I hope that I can resolve these issues.
Anonymous |
14 year
Ok, thanks for that info. That was helpful afterall. We have another version uploaded 2.21.1. Can you use the same link and download again and see if this one behaves differently? If not can you empty the pipline (press New), go into the Options Button->Other tab and select the 'Verbose RoboRealm.log' checkbox. Then add the maestro module back into the pipeline and let the errors happen. Exit RoboRealm and once again post the contents of RoboRealm.log. Note that the previous results may still be in that file which can be cleared out since we already have that info.
As you may have suspected we only have the physical Maestro 6 to test on which is partially the reason why the 12+ is causing some difficulty.
Riley [7 posts] |
14 year
I am guessing that you never sleep???
v 2.21.1 works perfectly.
I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the speed of your replies. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
I am looking forward to working with this product in the future.
Anonymous |
14 year
Excellent! Thanks for letting us know that things are working and for your patience in getting this up and running. Let us know if you run into any other issues.
Xi Ouyang [3 posts] |
13 year
I want to do color based object tracking with roborealm. In the Pololu_Maestro module, is there any way that i can change the position parameter to COG from the RGB camera or even make my own parameters to interact with RR or something like that?
If not, is there a pololu driver program that i can use to interact with RR to control the servo according to the COG of the object?
Anonymous |
13 year
I think there might be a bit of a confusion point here. While you can use the sliders in the Maestro module to move the servos the real intended use of these modules is to specify a variable in the first dropdown field that contains the value to send ... such as a COG_X value. That value is then sent to the Maestro as if you had moved the slider.
So given COG_X which can range from 0 to 640 (on a 640x480 image) and the maestro that ranges from 500 to 2500 you'd need to convert that number into the appropriate range.
Attached is a example of how to do that.
Or I am not understanding your question correctly?
STeven. program.robo
Xi Ouyang [3 posts] |
13 year
Your reply is super helpful. Sorry for the bad explanation of my question. I know what should i do now.
Thank you so much.
Xi Ouyang [3 posts] |
13 year
Can i ask one more question? So the center of the screen is fixed (320,240). How can i get the coordinate difference between the COG and center of the screen? i.e., get COG_X-320 and COG_Y-240 and save them as new variable? I searched the variables library but couldn't find such function.
Once i found the difference, then i can convert the difference into servo control parameter. But there is an issue, the difference might be positive or negative which means the camera needs to go either up or down, left or right. Can u give me any suggestion on how to do this?
Thanks a lot!
Anonymous |
13 year
You would use the IMAGE_WIDTH and IMAGE_HEIGHT variable and divde by 2.
midx = GetVariable("IMAGE_WIDTH") / 2
midy = GetVariable("IMAGE_HEIGHT") / 2
I'd not do the difference from center of screen (thus the above is moot) since negative numbers do not scale correctly. What you want to do is get the center of screen to equate to neutral in the servo space. That's what the robofile above does.
We've updated that one to use Image_width instead of a hardcoded 640.