Help button not working
smorloc from United States  [2 posts]
14 year

When clicking the help button in the RoboRealm, I am presented a with an 'Open With...' dialog with no entries in it.  (I have included a screen shot of this dialog.)

I am running on Windows 7 64-bit.  I have Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome installed on my system (I can't decide which to use... :)


Anonymous 14 year

thanks for that tip. We will check into that issues with Win7 64 bit. Seems to be OS specific.

In the meantime you can short circuit that issue by adding a registry value in


and add a UseBrowser key with a default value of 'chrome.exe' to autolaunch chrome. This is done using the application regedit. If you are not familiar with regedit it is best not to do this and we will send you an update in a couple days to fix the issue.


smorloc from United States  [2 posts] 14 year
If you need any help testing / debugging / diagnosing problems with the application running under Windows 7 64-bit, I am willing to assist.

(I am a software developer with many tools at my disposal...)


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