display the detected object on visual basic program kim from Malaysia [2 posts] |
14 year
hello,how do i make object that been detected by roborealm to be display on visual basic program.for example: let say if the detected object is flag.then the GUI on visual basic will show that the detected object is flag.I'm new to this program,i would like to know how it's been done,i do hope you can you provide an example for this.
Anonymous |
14 year
It depends on how you will identify the object that you want. For example, a flag could be identified by the occurrence of specific colors. I'm assuming that you are using a flag as an example and not specifically the objects that you would like to identify. The hard part is identifying the part ... once that is done using the API to query a RoboRealm variable that would contain the part name is quite straightforward.
Do you have a particular part that you are interested in identifying? Is it a actually a flag? Do you have an example image?
kim from Malaysia [2 posts] |
14 year
yes,I'm working on identifying a flag,later on I'll test on other things,I'm planning to use pattern matching to identify the object. Can it be done with pattern matching? How can i control the distance of the camera with the detected object? I didn't start yet.I need an example.