image processing
rahul from India  [1 posts]
14 year
how can i recognize the numeric digits in different images of circular tokens which are very similar to coins.

Anonymous 14 year
I assume that you mean the '5' digit that one can barely see in the token?

If so then have a look into different lighting which will help to identify the 5 much easier than just frontal lighting. For example try to move the light source to various angles to see which one would improve the contrast a bit. Perhaps you may try a ring light to see if that helps. Note that you may also want to watch the focus as that appears to be a bit off too.

You could also try to take several pictures with different angled light sources and merge them together to produce a higher contrast image. This assume the object and camera stay perfectly stable between the lighting shots.

Once the contrast is improved send us a new image and we can complete the process.


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