Blob filter
Nachiket Londhe from United States  [7 posts]
15 year
I am trying to locate circular checker piece located inside a square or box on checkers board. I am trying to use blob filter but its not working... do you guys suggest any other method or something else... i am using "within" and "around" along with specified object say "object 1"
Anonymous 15 year
Can you post the image that you are testing with? And perhaps the robofile that you tried but did not work?

We can then test things out on our side and offer a possible solution. Its hard to do without a sample image.

Nachiket Londhe from United States  [7 posts] 15 year
Hi steven please find the robo file which i was trying to create and the image file representing how the image will look like when it has white checkers piece on blue square... i want to find all the blobs which has same look...


Nachiket Londhe from United States  [7 posts] 15 year
Can u suggest me similar type of software available for mac or any of the java api's available which performs the same function, if you know any of them... thanks


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