using axis M1011-W network camera
Aswin from Netherlands  [5 posts]
15 year

I purchased an Axis M1011-W network camera and I want to process its video stream in roboRealm. I can't get it to work.

I already think to know that I need to use the read HTTP module to acquire the video stream. I also know that I can't use my camera's URL in this module but that I need to know the URL of the video stream. This, I don't know. I looked in the source of the webpage the camera sends me, but this is Javascript spagetti, no URL to be found.

Can anybody give me a hint?

btw, the camera is the succesor of 207W.
Anonymous 15 year
It should be of the form


which is their example for a W1031 ... should be about the same for 1011.

Naturally you will need to change the domain to your machine ip address.

Aswin from Netherlands  [5 posts] 15 year

That did the trick.


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