Roborealm crashes
from Australia  [87 posts]
14 year
We purchased the new license and downloaded the latest RR Each time I open the RoboRealm.exe and click on Options button, RR crashes. (picture 1)

Also, if I double click on a program .robo it crashes straight away. (picture 2)

For case 2, after it crashes, if I double click again on it, it opens a blank (new) roborealm program.

Can you help me out here?


Anonymous 14 year

We're looking into this right now ...

Anonymous 14 year

Can you download v 2.11.7 and give things a try? There was some inconsistency in how some cameras are replying with their device id string that we had to correct for. Unfortunately, this we are not able to replicate your issue but think we have a good idea of what it was.

If the new version does not correct your issue can you refer to


and use the -debug flag to start RR and send us the c:\roborealm.log


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