Lynxmotion Python Control
Loren John Presley from United States  [17 posts]
15 year
Is there by chance any python API that I can examine to see how to control servos using the Lynxmotion SSC-32 servo controller. I'd like to use python, but studying VB Script isn't helping me. I keep getting errors in the python consol and I'd like to have an example of the right syntax.

Thanks in advance.

The errors won't really matter if I can see a python API exampe, please, if at all possible...
Anonymous 15 year

Were you able to download the API.zip and view the python example? That will allow you to set variables into RR that will then be passed to the SSC.

Note that we have had reports that Python 3.1 is having issues with our API so that may be part of the problem.

Basically you setup the SSC module to "read" variables that would be sent to RR via the API. There are not any examples as this is a very basic thing to do using the Lynxmotion SSC. Just type in servo_1_pos, servo_2_pos (i.e. the actual text) into the text fields next to each servo channel. Then use the API to SetVariable (there is an example of that in the download) to change the variable values.


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