Camera - Allied Vision Tech
from Australia  [87 posts]
15 year
I would like to use Guppy, an Allied Vision Technologies camera.

It is firewire connected and it does works. I would like to do image processing but RoboRealm does not recognize it.

Will you be adding Allied Vision cameras to your software?

Anonymous 15 year

We have contacted Allied Vision in hope to become one of their partners. This will help in creating a module that specifically supports their cameras.

I assume you have tested the Firewire module? I suppose that is just does not list the camera in the dropdown? Or do you see another type of error when you attempt to connect to that camera?

from Australia  [87 posts] 15 year
Yes, I have tested their Firewire module (Guppy - Bayer colour unit). RR just does not list the camera in the dropdown menu. There are no reported errors.


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