Erode module setting trouble
Jan from Switzerland  [6 posts]
15 year
I created a programm and I use the Erode Module. I don't need the "Erode Image Border" option, so I uncheck it and I save the project.

The next time I will open the project the "Erode Image Border" option is checked!

Maybe because I'm using the free trial version?
I didn't find the reason, can you help me please?

Best Regards
Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the tip. That was a new feature released the other day which still had an issue with remembering that setting. We just got that fixed and uploaded to the site. Please download 2.6.1 for that fix.

You will have to load, uncheck and save your program once more. The issue was in one of the parameters being misnamed when being saved.

Jan from Switzerland  [6 posts] 15 year
Hi Steven,
thanks for the answer.

Best regards

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