add Display_DateTime module to write_variable module
Hugo from United States  [2 posts]
15 year
Hi Steven,
I really like the Display_DateTime module. However, it doesn't appear in my Write_Variables module available variables.
For my application, I need to write on a log file the exact time and date that I'm getting each individual data point. I know I can use the Image_time module in my Write_variables module to get the relative time but not the actual time each point was taking at (i.e 4:55:14 pm).
Could you please add this feature to the write_variable module?
Anonymous 15 year

See the attached robofile. You can set a variable to the current time using the Set Variable module (or alternatively the VBScript module too). The display_datetime module just provides the ability to display such a value ... but if you just need it in a variable there are other ways to do that.

Hugo from United States  [2 posts] 15 year
It worked! thanks for the file!

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