how to close RoboRealm from Python API
Andrew from Australia  [6 posts]
15 year
OK I figured how to open RR from Python eg.

RR_port = "6060"
import subprocess
subprocess.call(["C:\Program Files\RoboRealm\Roborealm.exe",RR_port])

but how do I close RR from Python at teh end of the Python script?
Anonymous 15 year
Try the API close command. This differs from the quit command in that it tells the RoboRealm application to exit and terminate the application. Quit just closes the API connection but leaves RoboRealm running.

wearetherock from Thailand  [2 posts] 15 year
If you need to kill process follow this link http://code.activestate.com/recipes/347462/.
Andrew from Australia  [6 posts] 15 year
Thanks, kill process was what I was after.

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