Anonymous  [29 posts]
15 year
i want to ask something.....
i want to use image processing in some game in my country. the lighting condition is quite bright (use spot light for TV commercial purpose) and it give effect on my camera. how to solve it.

Anonymous 15 year

You will need to post an example of that image. Without an image it is impossible for us to know what effect you are referring to.

For spot lights/oversaturated lights in general you can try to reduce the brightness in the camera as the CCD's are probably oversaturated and software will not be able to help increase the detail. See if you can lower the brightness or increase the shutter speed in the camera. See Options Button->Video Tab->Video format or display to access those options. Note that those interfaces are created by YOUR camera and are not part of RR so we will not know what they look like or even if they contain the ability to do what I am suggesting.


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