object traking with two cameras Mike [2 posts] |
15 year
Hello ,
i m working in a project that require to use two cameras one fixed and the second is mouving ..the first camera should track the human motion and the second camera should move with the motion of tracked human object..
the second camera is attached to a servo that move up and down ,and to otheir servo that move left and right ..and both conected to scc32 servo controler ..
plz can some one help and advise me what to do or how to do it ..
thanks much
Anonymous |
15 year
You probably will have to upload a couple example images and be a little more specific on what problems you are having. Providing a quick description and then expecting anyone to help explain your entire project will probably not get any responses.
For example, start with just one camera first, record a sample video/image and describe what you want to track and then upload a robofile of what you have tried but have not been able to accomplish.