Laser line segmentation
from Australia  [87 posts]
15 year
Hi STeven,

Nice job with the laser line module. I was wondering if there is a way to use that data?

If the laser line intersects two objects, there will be two distinct segments to the line data. How can I differentiate between objects using the laser line data (within RR), such as blobs can be differentiated.

Thanks heaps,
Anonymous 15 year
Perhaps an example image would help?

The detected laser line can be thought of as a blob ... namely, you should be able to continue to process the image after the line has been detected in the normal fashion.

Or are you looking for the laser line module to paint the line on a black background? Such that you can easily see the line without the source image? This would be easier to successively process...

Note that you have all the pixel points in the LASER_POINTS variable.


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